Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mi piso!

I've found a place to rent and moved in today! I viewed the apartment this morning, signed the papers and then, moved in this afternoon. The apartment is fairly spacious and I have a window :) I have two roommates, Margo and Chloe, both from Belgium. They don't speak English, so I'll definitely be speaking Spanish every day. That's all for now...I have to go mingle with the roommates!
My building -- I'm on the 4th floor

My room

The living room

The kitchen...don't be jealous of the appliances :)


Rachel said...

I'm superfly jealous of your appliances. :)

Anonymous said...

home sweet home!

Anonymous said...

You should just stay there forever because that is WAY nicer than what you have to come home to :) I am so glad that you found an apartment!! GO ASHLEY! Ole!

Unknown said...

What a cute, cozy apartment! I love the outside architecture of the building, too. I am so not jealous of the appliances, though! Love ya, Mom

Anonymous said...

ashes... this is pretty sweet :) except that I just read all of the posts backwards... I was thinking you just moved in why are you still looking for a place.. then I figured it out :)

Kelli said...

WOW!!! Your place looks great!! I'm so glad you were able to find a place and get settled in. Hope you have a great weekend:)

Anonymous said...

This place is beautiful from the outside! Classy Ash. Very Classy.